Saturday, October 4, 2008

"Mama, I'm not a doll!"

I belong to an online community of women who all had babies in April of this year. Someone mentioned something about these things called "babylegs" that are basically baby leg warmers. I've been looking for them and flat out refuse to spend 14 bucks per pair. So I bought a couple of cheap pairs of halloween knee socks and cut the toes out of them. Voila! Instant baby leg-warmers. And now, I could quite possibly be addicted to making them and dressing my poor child up in them regularly. There will be pictures of the insane cutness of them, just as soon as I can find the camera card. But he's stylin' orange and black argyle with skulls and crossbones. The next generation of heavy metal-head has arrived!

The little man is currently teething and he's being absolutely fabulous about it. There's some fussing, of course, but for the most part he's just intent on shoving everything within reach into his mouth and gumming it to death. Including (but not limited too...) my nose, the cat, every toy he has, my cell phone, and his books. We need to work on learning that books have a different purpose than as teethers.

He is currently curled up at my feet asleep and Brooklyn's asleep in her crib. So I think I'll join them while I have the chance.